Giraffe skull


When it comes to digitizing such fragile historical artifacts as bones, skeletons, and skulls of rare creatures, be it a dinosaur, a mammoth, or ancient human remains, 3D data quality is key.

SKU: 7fe829f2d0d6 Category:


When it comes to digitizing such fragile historical artifacts as bones, skeletons, and skulls of rare creatures, be it a dinosaur, a mammoth, or ancient human remains, 3D data quality is key.

With its many openings, nasal cavities, natural bumps, and lots of small and fragile parts such as teeth, thin walls, and bones, this giraffe skull would typically have posed a real scanning challenge, especially with its white color and lack of texture. This, however, was not the case for Eva. Thanks to Artec 3D’s new HD Mode, the geometry of the skull was enough for tracking and capturing the data, allowing the scanner to capture both small and hard-to-reach elements inside the skull, and the whole upper area with astounding quality and resolution.

This level of detail would previously have been possible only for Artec Space Spider. With Eva now powered by HD Mode, you can capture much smaller elements and a far wider array of historical artifacts. Their uses and the opportunity for preservation, education, and digitalization similarly know no bounds.

3D printing settings

Layer Resolution: 0.2 mm for a balance of quality and speed.

Extruder Temperature: 200°C for PLA, 230°C for ABS. (Adjust for material.)

Print Speed: 50-60 mm/sec for optimal surface quality.

Supports: Use for complex parts, set density at 15-20%.

Bed Adhesion: Use glue or tape to prevent warping.

Infill: 20% for regular models, 100% for extra strength if needed.