Motorcycle frame HD


Just a few minutes of scanning was enough to capture a significant portion of the frame’s geometry for a vivid example of what HD Mode is all about.

SKU: 01ea3992b981 Category:


This section of a motorbike frame was scanned with Leo one late September day in California. Just a few minutes of scanning was enough to capture a significant portion of the frame’s geometry for a vivid example of what HD Mode is all about. Such a level of precise surface reproduction, especially of those deeper, harder-to-reach surfaces, makes this a superb tool for capturing myriad objects in the realm of industry, whether for reverse engineering, industrial design, quality control/inspection, and more.

Prior to HD Mode, this scan would have captured less surface detail than it can today. With HD Mode, from the very first scan, noise levels are insignificant, while sharpness is turned up to the max. In Artec Studio 15, due to the advanced quality of the scans, minimal processing was called for.

3D printing settings

Layer Resolution: 0.2 mm for a balance of quality and speed.

Extruder Temperature: 200°C for PLA, 230°C for ABS. (Adjust for material.)

Print Speed: 50-60 mm/sec for optimal surface quality.

Supports: Use for complex parts, set density at 15-20%.

Bed Adhesion: Use glue or tape to prevent warping.

Infill: 20% for regular models, 100% for extra strength if needed.