ENDER 5 & ENDER 6 DUAL 40MM FAN HOT END DUCT / FANG, no support, micro swiss direct drive and bowden compatible


Briss Moto design

New V4.4 with tip angle corrected for better airflow orientation, Built-in BL-touch/CR-touch mount (Offset: X = 44mm, Y = 7.5mm). Printing with the built-in CR-touch mount does not require supports at all. BL/CR touch mount, the holes don’t go through for a very specific reason. It’s a single layer that doesn’t go through, it allows to print bridges across so you don’t need supports to get that part printed properly. Then you trim off the single layer to clear the holes.

SKU: 35916e0dd566 Category:


Briss Moto design

New V4.4 with tip angle corrected for better airflow orientation, Built-in BL-touch/CR-touch mount (Offset: X = 44mm, Y = 7.5mm). Printing with the built-in CR-touch mount does not require supports at all. BL/CR touch mount, the holes don’t go through for a very specific reason. It’s a single layer that doesn’t go through, it allows to print bridges across so you don’t need supports to get that part printed properly. Then you trim off the single layer to clear the holes.

3D printing settings

Prints without any support. Just lay flat on the top fan flange as pictured and you're set. The duct also prints without support, laying flat on the flange as pictured.

Ideally print out of petg, it is more flexible and durable than PLA but it does work out of PLA. Push pins are better made with petg too since it's more flexible. PLA is a little stiff for those and you might have issues to put them on.

Print with 0.4mm nozzle with 0.2mm layer thickness. About 20% infill works great