AEG pistol mag loader (E1)


Load AEG pistol mags Faster than ever. EVEN WITH GLOVES! how nice huh!!

It works like any other adapter. You place it on a speedloader, and lock it with a screw. It was designed for the ASG speedloader. But any speedloader should fit it.

It used 1 M2.5 x 12 mm. other old PC screws might work.

SKU: 738955adb0cc Category:


Load AEG pistol mags Faster than ever. EVEN WITH GLOVES! how nice huh!!

It works like any other adapter. You place it on a speedloader, and lock it with a screw. It was designed for the ASG speedloader. But any speedloader should fit it.

It used 1 M2.5 x 12 mm. other old PC screws might work.

3D printing settings

Printed on a Prusa MK3S

Filament: PETG
Layer High: 0.15 - 0.2 mm for best quality
Temp (Changes on what brand filament you are using)

No need for support. The model does already has an easy-to-remove support beam.