SINGER Starlet handle


The result is correct identical to the existing one.

It is necessary to disassemble the card of the machine,(do not forget to take out the rod of the coil sino the cover does not come out) to disassemble the broken handle and replace it with this one. Then screw the cover back on.

SKU: b40c5020f69a Category:


The result is correct identical to the existing one.

It is necessary to disassemble the card of the machine,(do not forget to take out the rod of the coil sino the cover does not come out) to disassemble the broken handle and replace it with this one. Then screw the cover back on.

3D printing settings

Print in good quality PLA or ABS or PETG.

Nozzle 0.4

100% filling

No media or if you want a perfect print

Speed 30mm/s

Tilt the model by 25% on the Y