Mechanical Spinning Top Dice Box


This is a geared box with a unique opening mechanism.

When you twist the base of the box, the triangular top pieces swing open, and then close again on the other side.

IMPORTANT: In your slicer, scale down all of the files to 90%. overestimated when first created the design.

Ring x1
Body x1
Gear Frame V2 x1
Triangle V3 x6
Spur Gear V2 x6

SKU: 8a94125b3d54 Category:


This is a geared box with a unique opening mechanism.

When you twist the base of the box, the triangular top pieces swing open, and then close again on the other side.

IMPORTANT: In your slicer, scale down all of the files to 90%. overestimated when first created the design.

Ring x1
Body x1
Gear Frame V2 x1
Triangle V3 x6
Spur Gear V2 x6

3D printing settings

Scale: 90%
Printer: Prusa Mini
Profile: 0.20mm Quality
Layer Height: .20mm
Infill Pattern: Gyroid
Infill %: 15%

First Layer Speed: 20mm/s
Perimeters: 40mm/s
Small perimeters: 25mm/s
External perimeters: 30mm/s
Infill: 80mm/s
Solid infill: 80mm/s
Top solid infill: 40mm/s
Bridges: 30mm/s

Ring should be plated with the slotted side up.