
Professional 3D Models

Panomic3D models are used by game developers, news agencies, architects, visual effects studios, advertisers, and creative professionals around the world.

Cookie Policy

Please read this Cookie Policy carefully as it provides information on our website use of cookies and other similar technologies (the “Website”).

This Cookie Policy should be read in conjunction with our Website Privacy Policy:, which explains how and why we collect, store, use, and share personal information in general, as well as your rights and how to contact us and supervisory authorities if you have a complaint.

Our Website

We may use cookies and other similar technologies, such as page tags, to store information when you visit our Website in order to provide you with a better experience.

This Cookie Policy applies only to your use of our website.

We may provide links to other websites owned and operated by third parties on our Website. Cookies may be used by these other third-party websites in accordance with their own cookie policies.

Please go to the cookie policies of these other third-party websites for information on their privacy practices.

What’s a Cookie?

“Cookies” are little text files that can be stored on your computer or mobile device to identify your Web browser and your computer’s actions on our Website.

These allow us to identify you and your device, as well as save information about your preferences and previous actions.

For example, we may track how many times you visit our Website, which pages you browse, traffic statistics, location data, and the internet service provider you use in order to create a user profile for our Website.

What’s a Page tag?

Page tags, also known as web beacons or gif tags, are a type of web technology that can be used to track website or email usage data, such as how many times a particular page or email has been seen. Page tags are invisible to you, and they can be found on any part of our website, including adverts and e-mails sent on our behalf.

“Cookies” is a term that encompasses both “cookies” and “page tags.”

  1. Why does PLASTIC SPIRAL LIMITED use Cookies?

We use Cookies to:

  • tailor your visit to our site (for example, by dynamically producing content on webpages just for you);
  • recognize you whenever you visit our Website and assist you in using it (for example, by not requiring you to reenter your name each time you visit our Website and by speeding up your access to it);
  • keep track of your provided choices (for example, your preferred language);
  • fraud detection and prevention allow us to track how you use our website using statistics so that we can enhance our services and better understand your needs;
  • conduct research, diagnostics and reporting to improve our Website and analyze the performance of our services.
  1. Do I have to accept Cookies?

You do not have to accept cookies to use our website, and if your browser or device allows it, you can always prevent, remove, or disable cookies.

Certain features or resources of the Website may not perform properly or at all if you reject Cookies, and your experience may be harmed.

Although most browsers are configured to allow Cookies by default, you can change your browser settings to be notified each time a Cookie is received or to refuse Cookies altogether. To learn more about Cookies, how to control, disable or delete them, please visit:

Some third-party advertising networks, such as Google, allow you to opt out of or tailor your internet browsing habits. 

See Google’s documentation for further details on how to customize these options.

Types of Cookies

Strictly Necessary: These Cookies are required for you to navigate and use our Website’s features. They enable our Website to remember choices you make (such as your user name, language, last action, and search preferences) and provide enhanced, more personalized features. The services you have requested could not be given without these Cookies. 

These Cookies collect anonymous information and cannot track your browsing behavior on other websites.

Advertisement/Targeting: These Cookies are used to offer advertisements that are more relevant to you and your interests.

They’re also used to assist measure the efficiency of marketing efforts by limiting the number of times you view an advertisement on our site. They are normally inserted with the approval of the Website operator by advertising networks. They keep track of the websites you visit, and this information is shared with third parties such as advertising.

Cookies capture anonymous information such as the number of visitors to the site, where visitors came from, and which pages they visited.

The information gathered will only be shared with those who need to know in order to resolve technical issues, administer the Website, and determine visitor preferences; however, the information will be in an unidentifiable format. None of this information is used to identify visitors or users. Google Analytics, on the other hand, uses cookies to identify you as a unique user on any other page where Google Analytics is enabled. Your privacy will be respected. 

You may, however, change your browser settings at any time and refuse to accept Cookies from any and including from our Website.

Consent to use Cookies

Except when cookies are required to provide you with a service you have requested, we will ask for your permission to place them on your device.

How to contact us

If you have any questions about our Cookie Policy or the information we retain about you, please contact us at

Modifications to this Cookie Policy 

This Cookie Policy may be updated from time to time. If this is the case, we will notify you as soon as possible. And it’s better for you to visit this page from time to time. Thank you for visiting our website!